Sabatini Law.
4.0 capital goods subsidy.
The Sabatini Law is a public subsidy provided by the Ministry of Economic Development aimed at micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which finances investments for the purchase of capital goods.
Businesses in all production sectors are eligible to apply, with the exception of financial and insurance activities, export-related activities, or interventions for the preferential use of domestic over imported products.
The Sabatini Law allows the financing of new goods, i.e. plants and machinery, industrial and commercial equipment, software and digital technologies. The benefits granted by the Sabatini Law can be in the form of subsidised financing, a ministerial contribution, and a possible guarantee from the guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises of up to 80% of the financing amount.
Sabatini Law and Industry 4.0
For companies investing in Industry 4.0 technologies and systems, the interest rate of the Sabatini Law is 3.575%. In addition, tangible and intangible assets that qualify as 4.0 investments can benefit from the increased contribution of 30%. A further subsidy is designed for southern SMEs investing in digital machinery with a 100% contribution up to a ceiling of 60 million euros.