

The software for managing date confirmation for supplier orders and work account orders.

eLog® is the eNX® Suite package that enables the management of date confirmation for supplier orders and work orders. The software reports the list of missing items, i.e. what I will be missing and when I will be missing it, highlighting the first day when there will be missing items given the currently confirmed production schedule. In this way, it is possible to take early action through critical order reminders.

eLog® allows you to manage down payments and/or partial deliveries and to confirm the supplier/contractor delivery date directly in the system. The scheduler takes the confirmed dates into account. Furthermore, any change in eSphere® will be reflected in eLog® and vice versa. eLog® thinks in terms of finite capacity and allows switching from a quantitative to a qualitative reminder. It will therefore be sufficient to focus on reminders for only those orders that would stop production if the delivery date is not confirmed.

Any changes at the planning level are automatically acknowledged by eLog®, which allows the situation of supplier orders and work account orders to be monitored in real time, as the information is drawn from the single database on which all eNX® Suite packages, including the eSphere® planner, are based.
The software is notable for the following features and functionality:

  • Interface in table format, so as to optimise supplier order and work account order reminders
  • Different filters can be activated
  • Possibility of exporting and importing data into MS Excel (e.g. critical orders, reminders filtered by customer, etc.).
  • Possibility of considering several warehouses, taking into account the lead time of transfer from one plant to another

eLog® allows interaction with the supplier/contractor, so that the system can be updated in two ways:

  • Entry of dates confirmed in the system while communicating by phone or email with the supplier;
  • It is possible to export the data to Excel, send the Excel file to the supplier, have the dates confirmed on the Excel file and re-import the completed file from the supplier.