Raffineria Metalli Guizzi S.p.A. is a company with well-established traditions and recognised quality levels which boasts more than 50 years of active presence on the market for the production of copper-based alloy ingots, including tin bronzes, aluminium bronzes, manganese brasses and special alloys. The company is also characterised by a continuous search for innovative methods and is particularly sensitive to computerised management in a broad sense. With this in mind, it undertook and has now concluded its implementation of the Industry 4.0 paradigm thanks to its partnership with GP Progetti. In summary, the information system focuses on the following points: firstly, and to optimise the production process, the main tool is the eSphere finite capacity planner; the second tool, now in complete adherence to the interconnection criteria, is the eFlexiMES MES system, i.e. an integrated hardware and software system specifically designed for the operational management of metal and alloy production, which is able to manage and collect industrial production data. Again, in summary, the production flow is managed and controlled by means of a studied series of procedures that implement the improvement process. This is carried out on a daily basis and is structured around the following points:
- Material entry management
- Order offer entry
- Specific client management
- Loading list preparation
- Furnace specification and parameter management
- Production scheduling
- Analytical control of processes/products
- Traceability throughout the entire production process
- Graphic production analysis
- Specific warehouse management
- Specific data acquisition and elaboration
The complete collaboration between the different professional participants made it possible for the computerised management system to be satisfactorily integrated into this established and efficient production company.